NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Nearly a dozen doctors have written a letter to BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee asking them to reconsider a new policy that could limit patients access to critical medication during emergency situations.
In early February BlueCross announced that in effort to save members money they would be implementing a new specialty pharmacy program. The company says this new program will help employers save around 20% on specialty drugs. But many doctors say the change in policy will put their patients at risk.
At a recent visit to her eye doctor Elisa Hertzan was being examined for macular degeneration, a disease which caused blindness in her left eye at age 35. Eliza now regularly gets shots of the drug Lucentis to help keep her from going blind in both eyes. The drug is often administered to Elisa on an emergency basis when she suddenly loses sight because of the disease.