Law360 (August 31, 2020, 10:51 AM EDT) — Neither Cigna Corp. nor Anthem Inc. can recover on claims for billions in damages after the collapse of their proposed $54 billion merger in 2017, a Delaware vice chancellor concluded Monday in a 311-page opinion on the multiyear, multicourt saga.
Vice Chancellor J. Travis Laster, who oversaw a 10-day trial in late February and early March 2019, found that a federal antitrust injunction in 2017 triggered a failure of a deal-killing, no-injunction provision, eliminating obligations to close on either side.
“Although Anthem proved that Cigna breached the [merger] efforts covenants, Anthem failed to prove that Cigna’s breaches led to causally related damages,” the vice chancellor wrote, noting that Cigna’s opposition to the deal grew so obvious that a federal judge referred to it as “the elephant in the courtroom” during antitrust proceedings.
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