By: Kelly Lienhard
Law360 (September 30, 2022, 8:12 PM EDT) — Michigan’s Blue Cross Blue Shield branch is again facing antitrust accusations after a federal judge on Wednesday partially revived claims from a group of anesthesiologists that allege a decadeslong scheme by the insurance company to dominate the anesthesiology market in the state.
The Anesthesia Associates of Ann Arbor alleged BCBS-MI engaged in schemes to monopolize Michigan’s anesthesiology services market, which led to lower quality and higher prices for consumers. The group amended its complaint to plead as a seller, instead of a competitor or a consumer, injured by BCBS-MI as the court found its previous complaint invalid due to a lack of predatory pricing.
U.S. District Judge Terrence Berg found Wednesday that Anesthesia Associates’ new complaint allows the provider standing to bring charges against BCBS-MI for one of its two claims.
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